Monday, March 24, 2014

She's Here

Little baby Amelia was born 3/20/14 at 7:24am.  She weighed 7 lbs, 9 oz and was 18 1/2 inches long.  We got checked into the hospital around 5:45pm on the 19th.  Once I was comfortable in my hospital bed, the nurses started me on my antibiotics.  I had to have two doses of those before they could start my pitocin.  We found out around 7pm that Carleigh couldn't stay at the hospital past 9pm.  So I had to scramble to get in touch with our neighbor's to see she could stay with them overnight.  Thankfully they said yes, so Heath drove her over to their house and came back to the hospital.  Our neighbor's have two kid's around the same age as Carleigh, so it worked out perfectly.  Once Heath got back to the hospital, we watched Identity Thief, which was quite hilarious.  I'm so glad the hospital had some free movies to watch.

Throughout the evening, the nurse kept coming into my room to see how things were going.  She kept asking if I was having any pains.  Apparently I was having a lot of contractions at 6 cm dilation, but I didn't feel a thing.  I didn't receive my epidural until 3am, and even then, my pains weren't that strong.  They just wanted to get that over with since I was going to be induced.  The doctor who was on-call never made it by my room to break my water because she got stuck in another part of the hospital helping others.  My doctor showed up at 6am and broke my water for me.  That's when some of the real pains actually started coming.  There were some pretty nasty contractions that even the epidural couldn't save me from.

My doctor came back in the room at 7am for me to start pushing.  I had about three or four rounds of pushing and Amelia was born.  It took 24 minutes of actual "labor" for her to get here.  It was a very smooth birth.  I held her for a minute or two before she was taken to get cleaned off by the nurses.  Once I got her back, I was able to breastfeed her right away.  We did some skin-to-skin contact cuddling as well.  It was so nice and relaxing.  Breakfast was delivered to my room about an hour later and it was so nice to eat something other than ice chips.  Our neighbor dropped Carleigh off at the hospital around 1pm.  Carleigh had the cutest reaction when she saw her baby sister for the first time.  She walked over to my bed, looked at Amelia, and had the biggest smile on her face.  That same evening, Carleigh went back to the neighbor's house to stay the night since I wouldn't be released until the Friday morning.

I was released from the hospital on Friday afternoon.  It was so nice to get out of there a little after 24 hours after giving birth.  I'm not a big fan of hospitals.  I'd much rather sleep in my own bed.  Our first night home was a little rough.  We ordered some Chinese food for lunch and I ate a ton of broccoli.  Since broccoli is a green, I figured it would be really good for the baby too.  WRONG!  It breastfeed Amelia in the evening, but it made her so gassy and fussy.  We did not sleep at all.  Both Heath & I were up all night trying to figure out what the heck was going on.  Amelia would refuse to attach to my breasts completely during that whole ordeal.  Heath went out to the store around 6am to buy some formula just to supplement for the time being.  I really wanted to avoid formula, but I also wanted to make sure my baby wasn't starving.  I even pulled out my breast pump to see if I could get anything for her.  All I got was a small amount of colostrum.  So we mixed that into the bottle of formula to ensure she was still getting some really good nutrients.

We've had to supplement with formula off and on since then because my milk hasn't come in yet.  Thankfully, Amelia will still latch on to my breasts and try to get some milk out of me even after using a bottle.  Not much is coming out yet though.  Amelia will get frustrated and clamp on really tight and it hurts so badly.  She did some decent damage to my left boob.  I've been unable to let her use that one because it hurts a bit still.  This afternoon, I did pump and got a little under half an ounce of breast milk out.  So at least that's a start.  My milk is slowly starting to come in finally.  Yay!

Amelia has her first doctor appointment Wednesday afternoon.  So, I suppose I'll update again on Wednesday night or Thursday afternoon.

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